12 Data Science YouTube Channels by Women to Follow

Here is the list of YouTube channels by women dedicated to data science, machine learning, AI, data engineering and more.

Sundas Khalid
4 min readJun 12, 2021
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve been seeing a few blogs sharing data science YouTube channels to follow. It’s been great to see the limelight data science has attained over the last few years and the contribution of the creator community in accelerating the growth. It’s a fascinating field indeed and deserves the recognition.

However, a theme I am observing in these blogs is that the majority of the channels mentioned are by men. In fact, one of the very notable Medium publications shared their top list with, which only had two channels by women listed out of twenty-six. This made me wonder, why? I wondered, is it because:

  1. There aren’t many YouTube channels by women dedicated to data science?
  2. There are data science YouTube channels by women but not as good as others thus they don’t make it to top x list?

So, I decided to do some research and find out.

I learned that there are not many data science YouTube channels by women but there are definitely more than two. In hopes to highlight those channels, I am dedicating this blog to data science YouTube



Sundas Khalid

I write about data science, diversity & lifestyle | currently at Google | more learning content at sundaskhalid.com